

Kentucky born and raised in the small town of Bardstown, I grew up knowing Christ, bourbon and southern cooking. Catholic school picnics, Future Farmers of America, antique car shows and visits with grandpa fill my childhood memories, all while knowing I was destined to embark on a journey away from the familiar landscape of my hometown. Destination: unknown.

A recent public relations graduate from Western Kentucky University, with an innate desire to explore all corners of the world, I spend most of my time planning. Planning my next big trip. Planning my daily work tasks. Planning my next purchase of Haribo gummy bears. Currently, I’m planning my next career move.

Though I planned for three years to apply for my current job, I really didn’t think I would be selected to work at a leading study abroad program in England. Consequently, I’ve come to discover that the opportunities to see the world are endless. From trekking across my home country to boarding my next flight to the Czech Republic, my next big move will hopefully be as exciting as my first. So as I plan this “career adventure,” with the support from my current colleagues and employers, I do so without a true idea about which country or city I will be in. The world is our oyster, after all… And it’s terrifyingly thrilling.

This blog/portfolio/website thing is to document my travels, my work and my life over the next few months. While I do not consider myself old enough to be wise, I do hope that someone, somewhere will find any words I write to be interesting, relatable or even remotely comical.

I end with this: A close friend of mine once told me that anything worth doing in life is never easy, so I welcome the uncertainty, the fear and the challenge of discovering what’s in store for my (hopefully) near future.

—Nolan Miles (NM)